Dentists and their patients often face a situation where after the loss of teeth in the lateral regions of the jaw bone is no longer enough to install the implants. Although other possible cases, the lack of bone is usually manifested by increasing the sinus cavities, which occurs due to loss of teeth. In this case can not be accessed because the installation of implants dental implants inserted in such bone prominirali (entered) into the sinus cavity, without being able to consolidate their place in the bone. However, this does not mean that in such a situation is not possible to install the implants, but only that it is necessary to take certain steps to ensure support for future bone implants. Sinus lift is a procedure that involves compensation bone raising the mucous membranes of the sinuses and filling the empty space that the team opens artificially bone material.

The first step – marked the sinuses on the left and right where you need to perform a sinus lift
This operation can be done in two ways. A simpler version of sinus lift applies when I need to raise the sinus floor of 2-3 mm, and the procedure is called crestal sinus lift.
Then through an opening which is designed for bearing implant device specil slightly raises the mucosa of the sinuses, then be injected onto a small amount of artificial bone and immediately afterwards are built in the dental implant. This procedure is performed as part of the impalantološkog procedure and does not represent greater compensation bones. The patient has a different feeling while neither he taken more time than is the case with a standard installation of the implant into the bone when not compensation bone mass. The sinus lift procedure is performed routinely, and never no complications, no need to repeat the procedure.
In cases where the analysis of 3D orotopana determines that the distance between the mouth and the sinus floor 1-4 mm is not possible crestal sinus lift, but it is necessary to take a classic sinus lift with lateral access. What does that mean in practice?
Lateral ie. lateral approach involves the creation of a small “window” on the side of the upper jaw, which is then used to raise the sinus membrane and the injection of artificial bones of the sinus cavity. Current research shows that while Boje use a mixture which comprises the middle of artificial bone and the middle bone of the patient (it is a small amount of bone that is “borrowed” from any bone of the patient, where they will soon grow back). Also, such a combination of artificial and natural bone provides the best results for the purpose of the formation of new healthy bone in the sinus cavity.

After filling the cavities sinusnuh patient has a sufficient amount of bone mass.
Installation of dental implants is provided mainly with sinus lift operation, which significantly shortens the time required for making dental crowns and for the full completion of treatment. If you act in this way, after six to eight months there will be new bone formation thus the success of the operation will be unambiguously confirmed and will then be immediately possible to draw up only the visible part of the implantskoj procedures – dental crowns. Of course, sometimes it is not possible to install dental implants simultaneously with the replacement of the bone and then the implants implanted after the same six to eight months ago, when we confirm that there is enough bone, but in this case it is necessary to wait for an additional four months to implants consolidate before making and incorporate the Rosary.
This type of sinus lift procedure leads to something bigger islands, so you also need a longer recovery, but it is still one of the most successful ways of installing artificial bone, where complications occur only in very few cases.